How to test or identify corona virus

How to test or identify corona virus

How to test or identify corona virus

Corona virus has engulfed the whole world and this dangerous virus is spreading more rapidly in many countries. There is no need to worry excessively about this disease. If you feel like your sick its importance to know your symptoms first. If you to stay at home and do not leave the house unnecessarily . Consult a doctor if you notice symptoms and find out if you need any treatment. Test or identify the corona virus in this way.

Main contents

  1. Watch out for cough symptoms
  2. Check your body temperature
  3. If you have trouble breathing or have trouble breathing then immediately go to the medical health care center
  4. If you are having treatment from your nearest doctor Get treatment from your nearest doctor as soon as possible
  5. Try to stay at home so that our infection does not spread to others
  6. Perhaps if you have an idea of getting infected with corona, then take the advice of a doctor
  7. The doctor should tell you that if you need to get corona checked, Then get it done
  8. Eat plenty of nutritious things
  9. Take rest at home so that you can get well soon

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Watch out for cough symptoms:-

Cough symptoms

  • Corona is a virus that first target the lungs of our body and affect them. A dry cough or a cough with sputum has similar symptoms. However, a dry cough or a cough with sputum is a sigh of infection due to a change in the environment or perhaps due to an allergy. If you think you have get corona virus then call your nearest hospital or your doctor and get advice from them. In this way we can test or identify the corona virus.
  • It would be right for you to stay away from people who are very young or who are over 60. It can also happen to someone who does not have a good immune system. That’s why you should keep a distance from them because those people are more prone to infection.

Check your body temperature:-

Check your body temperature

If you are battling corona then the most important thing you should do is to check your body temperature. By which you will know what is the body temperature. If you have come to know that you have get corona and you have fever, then do not worry, If possible, do not  panic. Call the doctor as soon as possible and inform the doctor about it. If such symptoms appear or are found, then you must try to discuss thoroughly with the doctor. You should keep a distance from other people and avoid coming in contact with them. That would be right for you. You should try to check your body temperature. Through this we can test or identify the corona virus.

If you have trouble breathing or have trouble breathing then immediately go to the medical health care center:-


  • If a person has corona, then he has to face a lot of difficulty in breathing. Because it is a serious and difficult symptom. If you have more breathing problems. You should take help from a near by medical health care centre. Otherwise, you should consult your doctor immediately or seek treatment.
  • Perhaps you may have breathing problems when you have a corona infection. Or may be it is due to some other reasons that this problems arises, so we should talk about it openly with the doctor in case of respiratory problems.

If you are having treatment from your nearest doctor Get treatment from your nearest doctor as soon as possible:-


  • Because the corona virus affects our body’s lungs. Due to which the oxygen level of the body is low and we are not able to breathe properly. If you come to know that you have been infected with this virus, then you will start having trouble breathing. Try not to worry too much and immediately go to your doctor and start emergency treatment. Which will make you recover soon. Keep this in mind.
  • Tell you that you are sick now and do not came to visit you, due to which the corona virus will not spread much faster. And the risk of this to your family will be very less.

Try to stay at home so that our infection does not spread to others:-

Try to stay at home so that our infection does not spread to others

  • If you show or get symptoms of corona, then you have probably been infection with this virus. If you feel sick, do not try to leave the house. With this, this virus will not be able to reach other people. A part from this, inform other people do not try to came to visit you. This will have the advantage that the corona will not spread very fast.
  • If you go to your doctor for treatment, keep a distance of two yards from them. And use mask to avoid corona virus.
  • Ask your doctor how long can you recover and start your old routine. Almost the doctor told that you should quarantine yourself for 14 days. Otherwise get treatment.

Perhaps if you have an idea of getting infecte with corona, then take the advice of a doctor:-

Doctor with patient

  • If you see signs of corona infection, then your doctor should get it checked. And discuss with them whether you need to go to any health care get a corona check. However, doctor should tell you that to confirm the infection of corona virus, You should call in the hospital and advise to investigate. Or could it be that the doctor advises you to stay at home and rest. Also follow the instruction given by the doctor properly so that you can get cure of corona soon.
  • We must keep in mind that the corona virus is not completely eradicate yed. Therefore, all of us should follow all the rules of the corona well. This will reduce the chance of infection spreading.

The doctor should tell you that if you need to get corona checked, Then get it done:-

Checked corona

  • Perhaps the doctor can check the infection of the corona by taking some traces of your mouth and nose.
  • If you are prone to corona, you quarantine yourself. First of all, you can contact covid helpline number or email ID issued at any time. Otherwise, you can contact at any time on the toll free number of the ministry of health.
  • Most of the corona have been examine in government hospital and labs. But now some private labs and hospital have got the approval. The corona is also examine there. Both of you can go and check wherever you want.

Eat plenty of nutritious things:-

Eat plenty vegetables

  • If you have corona then your body must have become very weak. For the strength of the body, you should of consume a lot of nutrition things in abundance. By eating all these things the weakness of the body will be remove. Just like the reason, consuming things like orange, fruit green, vegetable etc. will give great relief to your body.
  • Corona patient should eat fresh and simple food cooked at home. Apart from this, drinking turmeric milk and eating curd thing the throut mucus. Consuming all these things helps your body fight infection. Because of which you get well soon. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated.
  • If you feel sick, you can drink liquid like outmeal or soup. If you have a sore throuat then consuming all these thing make you feel better. And the throut will also be relaxe.

Take rest at home so that you can get well soon:-

Take rest at home so that you can get well soon

  • There is only one thing you can do to defeat the virus in the body. That is rest so that you can recover as soon as possible. If there is no, home isolation room for the patient in the house, the there should be a room. You will have to stay alone for a few days in home isolation so that this virus cannot make any person in your house a victim.
  • Also there should be a separate bathroom and bathroom for anyone who is a corona patient. Someone should take care of the patient for 24 hours. While relaxing home, you can read book and listen to thing like music.
  • This will remove your loneliness. You should pay attention these things. During the care, the patient should keep in touch with the doctor and follow all the rules prescribe by doctor.