Rule of a healthy life  

Rule of a healthy life  

When the immunity power of the body decreases. then different types of diseases surrounded us To live a healthy life. It is very important to strengthen the immunity of our body. Where yoga practices and pranayama can increases immunity. Also, having proper balance diet is also effective in increasing immunity today we will learn about health tips through it, how to increase your immunity.

Main  Contents

  • Drink plenty of water
  • Eat plenty of row food
  • Give more priority to eating vegetarian
  • Drink warm water before going to the tailet
  • Do not eat fruit after meals
  • Urine should not be stoppe long
  • Do yoga exercise and pranayama or exercise
  • Try to take deep long breaths
  • Do not drink too much water while eating food
  • Have dinner 4 hours before bedtime

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Drink plenty of water

Drinking plenty water

There is seventy percent water in the human body for this reason, we should drink at least four to five liters of water daily constipation is not cause by drinking too much water. We should never drink water from RO because filtering the water by reverse osmosis would remove all the element of water and the water. Therefore we should drink UV treated water.

Eat plenty of row food

eat plenty of row food

Rule of healthy life . By eating, row it means that we should consume thing like sprouted grains, row vegetable, like cucumber carrot radish etc. By cooking more food, the nutrition of the food goes away. And phytochemical  turn into toxic chemical that is why should try to eat as much raw food as possible.

Give more priority to eating vegetarian

Give more priority to eating vegetarian

There is a saying that we eat as we eat food vegetarian eating should be given more  importance. Because vegetarian food digest more quickly than non-vegetarians. And at the same time, stomach related diseases go away from us. This is why vegetarian food should be given priority.

Drink warm water before going to the tailet

Drink warm water before going to the tailet

Drink warm water before going to the tailet because you have luke warm water one hours before you go to the tailet. Just by doing this your stool will became soft. Due to which disease like constipation gas etc. Will also be kept away from us. And at the same time our digestive system will be correct.

Do not eat fruit after meals

Do not eat fruit after meals

Mostly people eat fruit after eating food which is not considered right right because fruits are already secrete by nature also, energy is not required to digest fruits. While it takens seven to nine hours to digest food. If we eat fruit after eating, then the fruit will digest quickely and the food which is digeste in late starts getting affecte. Those who have eaten before should digest it first. We should keep in mind that fruits should be consume before eating.

Urine should not be stoppe long

Urine should not be stopped long

We all should clean our stomach at least three to four times. From badies, we can learn how to follow a natural way to clean to stomach they clean their stomach more often than they drink their mother’s mils follow nature methods and stop the toxic element and acidic residences from staying in the body for twenty four hours.

Do yoga exercise and pranayama or exercise

Do yoga exercise and pranayama or exercise

Do yoga exercise and pranayama or exercise. Pollution in the morning air is very less. Thus we should do yoga and pranayama or running daily because these habits are very beneficial for your health.

Try to take deep long breaths

Take a deep breath

Take deep long breaths we use only twenty six percent for our lungs. And most of us take light breath that they are not considere right try to take a deep breath. So that the lungs have more room to expand. Because of which we get more benefit as the brain concentrates and stress is reduce lung disease are minimize due to oxygen content which reduces the changes of heart disease.

Do not drink too much water while eating food

Do not drink too much water while eating food

We know very well that one should not drink water while eating. When is our own food inside the mouth so recognizes the quality of our tangue. And the oppriate digestive acid starts seeping into our own stomach. If we drink water with food like this. The effectiency of those digestive acids lightened. And there is difficulty in digesting food. That is why we should never drink water while eating food.

Have dinner 4 hours before bedtime

have dinner 4 hours before bedtime

Rule of healthy life. At night we should always have dinner 4 engaged before bedtime because our body is of millions of cell while sleeping at night, If in such a situation, If we go to sleep after eating food. In such a situation. If we go to sleep after eating food. So our body to eat instead of cell formation. The will spend all my energy in digesting because of this, our health will be adversely. As far as possible, a glass of lukewarm water should be drunk before sleeping at night due to which our food can be digested soon.