Home remedies for hemorrhoids

Home remedies for hemorrhoids

Home remedies for hemorrhoids

You saw in the  previous article what is piles and how it can be avoid. In this next, article you will know what are the home remedies for hemorrhoids. And how you care this hemorrhoids diseases by staying home. You will know under this article. Lets start. Try to know what is piles. We have give you this information in the previous article about what is piles. I would like to tell you what is hemorrhoids in two or three words. This is such diseases that now days one or other is suffering from this piles diseases.

Or we can say that some one is patient of this diseases. In this diseases, there is swelling and pain on our anus. In this, we are not able to pass stool properly and the passage of anus is completely blocked. That’s why we can,t feel fresh. But you don,t need to worry too much. If you do home remedies for hemorrhoids , then your problems of piles gets reduce.

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What are the symptoms of hemorrhoids ?

Anyone who suffers from piles. It has these symptoms.

  1. Not cleaning  the stomach properly
  2. gas always in stomach
  3. Always bloated stomach
  4. Reddening of anus
  5. Pain and burning in  the anus
  6. Feeling weak
  7. Bleeding from the anus
  8. Itching in the area around the anus
  9. Not wanting to go to letring
  10. The passage of the anus is completely close and does not feel fresh

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What can cause hemorrhoids ?

If would not be correct to give a precise answer to this in one sentence, It has been found that there can be many simple reasons for this disease. What is that reasons we tell you.

  1. Consuming more spicy foods
  2. Drink more tea
  3. Eating oily foods
  4. Consuming hot thing in excess
  5. Smoking too many cigarettes
  6. Not taking a balanced diet
  7. Not consuming cold things like curd milk paneer
  8. Due to these reasons, the problem of hemorrhoids can arise due to sitting for a long time in any place.
  9. If any person in your family has the problems of piles. Then you can definitely get this disease because this disease is also genetic.
  10. Don’t drink too much water

Some of the best remedies for piles ?

Hemorrhoids patient should use home remedies. These remedies will give them relief which is described as

  1. You have to soak the tragacante gum in water at night and you have to take out its water in the morning. After that you have to put some milk and sugar in it and swirl it well. After that you can drink it. one thing to note is that you have to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Put turmeric in take warm water and sit
  3. Drink turmeric milk, it will reduce you pain
  4. Use castor oil
  5. Eat figs soaked at night on an empty stomach in the morning
  6. Use aloe vera
  7. Apply coconut oil on the anus
  8. Fruit like watermelon, ,melon, guava banana have a cooling effect

 What to eat in piles ?

If you are fighting the problem of piles, then you must consume these substance which are as follow.

  1. You should always eat green vegetable
  2. Must eat vegetable salad
  3. Drink more and more water
  4. Eat fruit and If possible drink fruit juices as well.
  5. Eat fiber rich food
  6. Gives coolness to the stomach, eat such things
  7. You should eat light grains which are easily digested like jowar gravel
  8. You have to keep your diet plan simple and very simple in this disease
  9. Do not eat fried and fried thing

What foats should we avoid during piles ?

If you want to avoid piles then you have to pay attention to your diet. By doing this you can avoid piles. By doing this thing you can avoid piles and apart from this you should pay attention to home remedies for piles

  1. You should strictly avoid things like gram, rajma, and egg and meat as they are biggest enemy of piles
  2. Abstain from cigarettes and tea
  3. Do not eat any subtances by measuring it
  4. You should always avoid these things, If you do this then your piles get curd soon
  5. Chilles and spicy foods should not be eaten and if eaten and if possible they should be avoided.

Hemorrhoids ointment and capsule ?

  1. Pilex ointment and capsule
  2. Pilogo ointment and capsule
  3. Anovate ointment and capsule
  4. Doctor Butler,s hemorrhoids and fissure and capsule
  5.  Recticare anorectal and capsule
  6. P-6 and capsule
  7. Surfrate and capsule
  8. Piles cure and capsule
  9. Hadensa and capsule

How many types of hemorrhoids are  there ?

By the way, there are mainly two types of this diseases. First external hemorrhoids and second internal hemorrhoids.

External hemorrhoids :- In external hemorrhoids the skin around the anus become red and rough and there is swelling and pain. There is no blood in external hemorrhoids, but there is no would inside the anus. But there is a lot of pain in it. Apart from this, you can also call it early piles. You can call this as external hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids :- Internal hemorrhoids are considered very painful. Because the anus which is our anus swells, due to which we are not able to pass stool properly. And our anus passage get closed. In internal hemorrhoids , there is wound inside the anus and its pain is very  terrible. When we come out after passing stool.We feel weakness at that time that is the reason for the shedaing of blood.

How to get rid of hemorrhoids forever ?

If you have hemorrhoids and you want to eliminate this diseases from the root, you will have to try the remedies give by Ayurveda. The work of Ayurveda is to eliminate any diseases from the root, but in this you will have to be  patient Because the home remedies of Ayurveda do their work slowely as compared to other medicines. You must have got the answer that how can we eliminate  the diseases of piles from the root.

Should we really use green vegetable during piles or not ?

You must use green vegetable in piles. These are some of the reasons for this this which are as follows.

You should use green vegetable more and more in the disease of piles. Green vegetable have all the properties that you need. Apart from this, fiber element is present in green vegetable,which keeps trying to reduce the disease of piles. According to a report patient who eat green vegetable  in piles get better quickely, than those who do not eat green vegetable. There is also a reason for this. According to the doctor , you should consume more and more green vegetable so that your piles can be cured as soon as possible.

If you use all the above mentioned home remedies for hemorrhoids, then your hemorrhoids will go away foverer.