Traditional food for india

indian traditional food

Traditional food for india

People of different castes, lives in the country of india, that is why india is called a country of diversity. Food has special importance in india not now but since ancient times. And from time to time this food has becomes famous all over the world. In many states, villages and towns, different types of food are prepare and eaten. Tourist from many countries around the world travel all over india to taste indian traditional food. According to mythology, traditional food is the life of our indian cultute. Do you know that there is more pleasure in feeling others than just cooking food in india. This happens only in our india. If you are probably food of food, then you can arrange such food for yourself by reading this articles.  In this article you, will learn about all the traditional food one by one.

Types of food 

According to our indian traditionas, it has been found in Ayurveda that mainly three types of food have been decribed. All these three types includes all types of food. Know what are the types of food.

  • Pure food:- Pure diet means such food which is not over cooked light and easy to digest. Which is not too spicy and not too fried. Only pure vegetable. This is calle pure food.

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Benefits of pure food 

  1. The mind remain calm.
  2. The mind starts being positive.
  3. Increases concentration and memory power.
  4. Depression is also remove by pure food.
  5. The immunity power of the body become strong.
  6. Many types of diseases do not occur by taking pure food.
  7. Jealousy and negativity also goes aways.

Fresh fruits juice, fresh fruit, cucumber, carrots, dry fruits, nuts, fresh hot milk, buttermilk, porridge, vegetable, honey, jaggery, sprouted, gram, clarified butter, you can eat all these food in your diet.

  • Royal diet Or Rajsik diet:- Royal diet is a bit heavy to digest as it is made up of spicy and salty food. when this diet is consume, it tastes very tasty. Because oil, salt, chili, onion, garlic, etc, are used in this. For this reason, this food tastes very good to eat. Royal food has the power to motivated the mind, due to which we desired to do any work.

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Benefits of rajsik diet

  1. By eating rajsik food, there is communication of power in the brain, due to which there is no difficulty in doing any work.
  2. Rajsik diet includes everything like motivations and passion etc.
  3. Royal food has this power, if it is used property, it gives us wealth, fame, propsperity etc.
  4. This specialty of this food is considered that it encouranges us to do any work.

You can samosa pakoda, pulav, biryani, tea, coffee, paratha, puri bhaji, vegetable, pickle, spicy raw, melted better oil, lentile  Garlic and onion tadka. You can include all these thing in your rajsik diet.

  • Non-Vegetarian  food or Vindictive food / tamsik food :-  Vindictive food is that which cause negativity jealousy negativity and restlessness in the mind. Especially non-vegetarian food in the morning and night, leftover food, stale food very oily food and very sweet food are include in this. This is what you can call a vindictive diet.

Benefits of vindictive diet

By the way, the benefits of this diet are neglibles because due to this diet, lazyness comes in us, feeling more tired after doing less work etc. This diet has all these qualities. That’s why it is very difficult to tell the benefits of non-vegetarian diet. As far as the benefits of tamsik diet are considere there are no benefits but only disadvantages are seen from it.

Disadvantages of tamsik diet/ vindictive diet

  1. With this diet bad qualities like anger and jealousy make their home inside the mind.
  2. If we eat more tamsik diet we are more prone to get dreade diseases.
  3. Because of this diet, we do not becomes optimistic but perssimistic.
  4. A person with this quality always considered lazyness as his best friend. Because the power of his mind to think and understand is very less by eating this diet.
  5. He sees negativity in everything  who eats tamsik  diet.
  6. If we believe in our old legends then it is not considere good, it pollutes our mind. The through of the mind have an impact. Similarly, if its consumption continues, then after a while we are at risk of many stomach related diseases like acidity, indigestion constipation.

According to each state, the traditional food of that place

India is huge country which is recognize all over the world for its distinctive traditional and diversity. If we travel anywhere across india, be it a city a village or a small town. The taste of that traditional food is different at every placed. Because as we go to new place and its weather changes, similarly the taste of food also change when we go to new placed.

You will find the list of Gujrati food below.

  • Gujrati  traditional food :-

gujarati traditional food

Gujrat is a state which has been known for industry and trade since ancient times. Because it is most popular all over india for business. It is the third most powrful and faster economic profit making state of india. If we classify him a businessman then nothing will be wrong because the richest person of india is also from gujrat. Where are the maximum number of start up in india, they are only in gujrat. As good as this state is, people here sweet and beautiful gujrati language. The capital of gujrat is ghandinagar, which produces the most milk in the whole of india. If more than one-third of the world is diamonds are polishe, then only in surat district of gujrat. Gujrat people mostly like to eat sweet’s as they have many and different types of sweets dishes in their plate.

Somnath temple is located in gujrat, here people from all over india come to visit and this temple is  a very popular pilgrimage centre in gujrat. This is a sacred and holy place. Specially one thing is remembere that as much as gujrat is popular for tourism. More than, that the delicious and traditional food here is famous. By the way gujrat people are considere very food of food. Here is the traditional food of gujrat people.

  1. khanvi 
  2. Dal dhokli 
  3. Sev khanmi
  4. Thepala
  5. Gujrati spicy and sweet yoghurt curry
  6. Lilawa kacchori
  7. Dabeli
  8.  Unthiya
  9. Khakra
  10. Mohanmal
  11. Jalebi
  12. Fafda
  13. Chiwada
  • Maharashtra traditional food :-

Maharashtra traditional food

It is the sub-capital of maharashtra state nagpur. This state is much biggest than other state. If you call it the land of chhatrapati shivaji maharaj then it will not be wrong because he was the most popular and infiuential maharaj of this state. The heart of the people of this state is bigger than land of this state. Because it is called gate of the heart. In maharashtra, you get to see various thousand of years old ancient temples, palaces caves and huge forts. Similarly, the traditional food here is famous all over india.

You will find the list of this food below.

  1. Mango juice 
  2. Kanda poha 
  3. puran podi 
  4. usal pav
  5. wangi bharit
  6. waran bhat
  7. Thali pitha
  8. Lonthibir wadi
  9. Maharashtra waradi theccha
  10. Sambhar wada
  11. Pakoda
  12. Pav bhaji

All these are traditional and delicious dishes of maharashtra.

  • Rajasthan traditional food :-

rajasthan traditional food

Rajasthan is the largest state of whole india. As it get very hot here. And the quanity of water is very less. Similarly  its food is very spicy tangy and delicious. Seeking which everyone’s mouth water. Rajasthan is especially popular for rajput. Because many rajput great states and maharajas have rules over the land of rajasthan for centuries. Here especially foreigners from all over the world come from jaisalmel, jodhapur, udaypur, jaipur, and different countries to see the natural beauty of this placed. As a result of which it is known as the pink city. That’s why rajasthan is called the city of pink. The pungent and spicy food here attracts whoever goes here.

You will find the list of rajasthan food below.

  1. Litti chokhaa
  2. bhalushahi
  3. Papad
  4. Mirchi Bhajiya
  5. Khasta kacchori
  6. Garlic souce 
  7. Traditional rajasthani thali 
  8. pickels
  9. Churma laddel  

You can call all these food the most delicious traditional food of rajasthan.

  • Assam traditional food :-

assam traditional food

Assam is known for the export of tea all over the would. Because it is largest tea exporting state of india. These is no answer to the natural beauty of assam as it is a hill station situated in the green plains mountains river as well as lush green gardern This  is the reason that all these things add to its beauty. If you come here to visit, its natural beauty attracts everyone towards you. Because it is one of the most beautiful and best place. The way the tea here is famous, equally the food here is also famous. The traditional way of the state of assam is exactly like other south eastern countries.

Especially in the food that is cooked here, chili spices are used to a minimum. This may be the reason why the cooking method of east asian country is similar to that of assam. The food here is not in everyone’s fortune. The one who gets to taste this food is very lucky. If you get a chance to go here in life, then you must eat the food here.

Here is that food 

  1. Pitha
  2. Khar
  3. coconut pitha
  4. Reshim kit
  5. Jak aru Bhaji 
  6. Komolar kheer
  7. badak korma
  8. Gorur payas 

It is the main staple traditional food of assam.

  • Goa traditional food :-

goa traditional food

Goa is the smallest state in india. But it is more beautiful and beautiful than it is small.Because here tourists from many countries around the world come here and sit on the seashore and enjoy this view. In goa you will sea a wounderful mix of portuguese culture. Because here portugal, french, and dutch had their rules. Generally most tourist come here during summer.The result of which is that goa is a rich and prosperous state. In goa you will get maximum variety of whiskey, brandy, rum, wine, as there more than 7000 bars and night club here. Not only this, all of them are license by the government of india. The oldest and famous medical college in asia is located in goa. It was but by the porturguse in the 18th century.

If we talk about the income of every person here, then it is seen the most. The main reason for this is that many people come to goa to spend there holidays. The living here is very different from rest of the state because the western culture is followe here the most. Along with this, the food here is also different you get to eat the best and different types of dishes here. For those who are found of different types of food, goa is no less than a heaven. They get to eat all kinds of dishes here. After eating , I remembered that you will get eat traditional portuguese food here.

Which is an below.

  1. Bebinca
  2. Fish Recheado
  3. Chicken xacuti
  4. Goal fish curry
  5. Raava fried fish
  6. Shark ambot tik
  7. Sannas
  8. Chicken Cafreal
  9. Feijiada
  10. Vindaloo